Wednesday, July 7, 2010

so there is this amazing girl that i happen to be going out with. we have been through so much together which is impressive considering we have only been going out for almost 2 months and i have givin her more of myself then anyone else. i can honestly say i love this girl and thats why lately iv hated myself cause i keep hurting her even though i havnt been trying and it cause iv been trying to figure things out for myself. so this next part is going to have u asking a lot of questions but i need to get it out there so u can better understand why i have been acking the way i have been lately. well its complicated as i said i love this girl the thing is that lately iv been affraid that im starting to love her as more as a friend then a girl friend and it has nothing to do with anything u have done, cause i have a blast with u everytime we hangout but it becoming more like when i have a blast with friends then a girl friend and i dont understand it and have been trying to figure it out cause i do love u and nothing will change that. and im not positive on anything yet cause im still trying to figure it out cause along with these feelings of being friends i still have the feelings of boyfriend girlfriend. by saying all of this im going to do more of what iv been trying not to do and that is hurt u and thats not what im trying to do but i felt as though u had the right to know what has been going through my head and i just want u to know no matter what happens i always want u in my life cause iv never been closer to anyone and been able to tell someone as much as i told u so i always want u in my life. so i want u to respond to this post completely truthfully : ) love u babe

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